Sustainability Basic Policy
Sustainability Committee
We have a sustainability committee in place to implement sustainability management throughout the company.
The Committee, chaired by the Director, President & CEO, will review and make recommendations from a sustainability perspective on management policies, business activities, and corporate policies and strategies, and verify climate change issues, human rights, supply chain management, health management, and effective information disclosure to stakeholders.
Sustainability Basic Policy
The company's management philosophy is: "We respond to changes in society, strive for stability and development of our corporate management, and contribute to the communities in which we do business." In addition, our vision for 2050 is: "As a 100-year corporate group, we contribute to the achievement of a sustainable society by serving environment, peace of mind, and safety.”
Based on this philosophy and vision, in accordance with the Group's purpose, environmental vision, etc., we will position sustainability initiatives as a key management issue under this policy and manage our business with a focus on sustainability.
The Group is committed to solving social problems through its business activities and in doing so, bringing about a sustainable society.
1. Sincere business activities
- We will conduct our business in accordance with social norms and good corporate citizenship, complying with all applicable laws, regulations, and rules of the countries and regions in which we operate.
- We are committed to preventing all forms of corruption and to maintaining sound and normal relationships with our business partners and government authorities.
- We are committed to maintaining and enhancing the value of our business partners through providing safe and high-quality products and services.
- We will respect our business partners and work to co-exist and prosper together based on mutual trust over the long term.
- We are committed to managing and protecting information about our company and our business partners.
2. Good relations with the community
- We respect human rights and forbid all forms of discrimination, and do not use forced labor, child labor, or support any other human rights abuses.
- We will maintain good relations with the community and respect the culture and customs of the countries and local communities where we do business.
- We will strive to improve the working environment and actively promote the success of our human resources by emphasizing diversity, with the health and safety of our employees as the foundation of our growth.
- We will proactively disclose corporate information in a timely and appropriate manner.
3. Consideration for the environment
- We will comply with the environmental regulations of each country and region.
- We will promote reduction of the environmental impact of our operations by cutting greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption, and help to conserve the global environment by mitigating climate change and preventing pollution.
- We will provide our customers with information on how to properly use, recycle, and dispose of our products through our environmentally friendly products and services.
- We will be a contributor to society at large through environmental protection activities in each country and region where we conduct business.
- We recognize the importance of biodiversity, and are committed to conserving ecosystems.