Respect for Human Rights

Respect for human rights

1. Respect for the human rights of employees

  • We respect the human rights in all aspects of our business, and do not permit child or forced labor.
  • We provide fair opportunities to acquire the education, experience, skills, and competencies appropriate for the job. We also offer fair treatment based on experience, skills, abilities, performance, and growth potential.
  • We respect the diversity of our human resources. We embrace the individuality of each person and create a work environment where a diverse range of people can work with energy and enthusiasm.
  • We do not tolerate discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, age, creed, religion, social status, gender identity/sexual orientation, or disability in the recruitment and treatment of employees.
  • We respect the human rights of each and every employee and will never engage in any conduct that disrespects the individuality of others, such as harassment, defamation, libel, or coercion through intimidation, etc. We will also examine our own words and actions on a daily basis to avoid giving rise to such misunderstandings and suspicions.
  • We value each employee's personal information and will only collect, use, retain, and disclose such information in a fair, transparent, and secure manner in accordance with laws, regulations, and social norms. We also take security measures to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, loss, and alteration of personal information.

2.Creating a healthy working environment

  • We comply with the labor-related laws and regulations of the countries and regions in which we operate, as well as our internal rules, including employment regulations.
  • We comply with all safety and health laws and regulations, and take care of the safety and health of our employees so that all employees can maintain their mental and physical health and work in a healthy manner.
  • We strive to maintain a pleasant working environment in which each and every employee can work with confidence and vigor.

3.Respect for human rights

  • We pledge to properly understand international human rights standards and the laws and regulations of the countries and regions in which we operate, always act in a manner that respects human rights, and never violate human rights in any way.
  • We will help to bring about a society where human rights are respected by seeking the cooperation of various stakeholders throughout the value chain, including businesses, products, and services, in our efforts to respect human rights.
  • If we receive a complaint or consultation regarding human rights from any of our stakeholders, or if we observe or hear of a violation of human rights in the Mitsubishi Electric Group's business activities, we will report it to the appropriate division within the company and take steps to resolve the issue.

Promoting diversity

Diversity & Inclusion

We are creating systems and workplace environments that encourage employees to accept and respect each other’s diversity, to strive and grow together. We create opportunities for all employees to take an active part in business, and aim to build environments where they can make the maximum use of their individual abilities.

Promoting active participation of female employees

Under RYODEN’s personnel system, we have removed the barrier between the main career track and the clerical career track, to provide opportunities for female employees to engage in a variety of duties. We have expanded training opportunities, and many female employees have participated. For example, our off-the-job training programs, which were conducted according to job type in the past, are now offered to anyone who wants to participate.

We have also established a target of raising the proportion of new graduates who are females on the main career track to 30%, and we are engaged in recruitment activities to meet this target. By combining this with on-the-job training, we will support the active participation of women so that they can become core human resources in the company.

Targets related to the active participation of female employees
Targets related to the active participation of female employees

Promoting active participation of senior citizens

We have introduced a new re-employment system from FYE2023, with the aim of utilizing the extensive experience and ability of senior citizens, and enable employees to continue to play an active and useful part after they reach the age of retirement at 60 years old. We endeavor to match the hopes of senior citizens with RYODEN’s employment needs, through interviews with each individual. We establish the duties of each person individually, and provide commensurate compensation, expanding the opportunities for active participation of senior citizens.

Supporting development of the next generation and supporting childcare

The Company has implemented systems including shortened working hours for employees caring for children below school age and a flex-time system for employees until their children finish third grade so that employees may reconcile work with childcare. In addition, we allow employees to accumulate expired annual paid leave and use this leave when waiting to enroll their child in a nursery, or for hospital visits or hospitalization for the purpose of infertility treatment. Moreover, we offer paid maternity and paternity leave and pay bonuses of approximately 50% even during childcare leave. We also provide support through such means as a higher family allowance for children and an increase in the amount of subsidy for our “cafeteria plan” for the purpose of day care for children or infertility treatment. The utilization of childcare leave by female employees is 100% every year, and we are also endeavoring to create an environment facilitating the utilization of childcare leave by male employees.

Childcare leave utilization rate (FYE2023)
Childcare leave utilization rate
FYE2020 FYE2021 FYE2022
RYODEN’s female employees 100% 100% 100%
Corporate average* 83.0% 81.6%
RYODEN’s male employees 15.8% 30.8% 26.1%
Corporate average* 7.48% 12.65%

*Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
“Basic Survey of Gender Equality
in Employment Management” in FYE2020-FYE2022

  • Payment of salary and bonuses during maternity and paternity leave

    Payment of salary and bonuses during maternity and paternity leave

  • Payment of approx. 50% of bonuses during childcare leave

    Payment of approx. 50% of bonuses during childcare leave